Changes to the tax treatment of flight crew from 1st January, 2022
Determining your tax residency status for mobile pilots:
As a Mobile pilot you will be paying taxes where your fiscal residency is or the country where your centre of vital interests is. This can be defined as follows:
• Preference is given to permanent home of the individual – must have a degree of permanency, any form of home (e.g. house, apartment, etc.)
• Personal and economic relations (centre of vital interests) - family/social relations, occupation, place of business, where bank account is held etc.)
• Habitual abode – where he or she stays most frequently (look at stay in the permanent home as well as other places in the same State or other countries)
• Nationality/Domicile/Country that issued your passport
Please fill in the following questionnaire to enable us to correctly determine your tax fiscal residency country.